Hong Kong Police Review 2009 published

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The Hong Kong Police Review 2009 has been published, covering the work and achievements of the Force during the year.

The cover of the annual report carries action photos showing frontline officers' diverse duties on land, at sea and in the air to ensure Hong Kong remains one of the safest cities in the world.

In his foreword to the annual report, Commissioner Tang King-shing saw the past year as "another demanding and challenging one" for the Force as well as the Hong Kong community as a whole.

"In many ways 2009 was also a microcosm of the work undertaken by the Hong Kong Police to support the community over the past decade: maintaining law and order during an economic downturn, promptly and compassionately responding to a health quarantine operation related to human swine flu (H1N1), facilitating the successful hosting of a major international event in the form of the East Asian Games, and pursuing long-term strategies to address contemporary and future policing challenges," he noted.

Looking ahead, Mr Tang said 2010 again promises to be a busy and demanding year for the Force. "The economic downturn is not yet behind us, the spectre of H1N1 remains ever present, and the management of public meetings and processions related to political development, livelihood and environmental issues is likely to form a major part of our operational commitments.

"Fortunately, I can confidently assert that the Force possesses a wealth of experience, and well-developed strategies and tactics for addressing such matters, experience that has been honed not only during 2009 but also over the past decade of unprecedented challenges. These strategies and tactics primarily focus on engaging the community, enhancing co-operation with Mainland and international-law enforcement agencies, and maintaining a visible and responsive police presence through intelligence-led policing supported by an effective response and investigative capability," he added.

In conclusion, Mr Tang thanked Force members for the role they have played in pursuing those strategies and tactics, and also to assure all sectors of the community that "we are committed to building upon this approach during 2010 and the years ahead, to ensure that Hong Kong remains one of the safest and most stable cities in the world."

Copies of the Review have been distributed to Formations. Next month, the report will be uploaded to POINT and Police Public Website, and a CD-ROM will also be available.

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