Force adopts holistic approach to
enhance intelligence-gathering capability

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The Force is adopting a holistic and integrated approach in a bid to achieve the objectives of Strategic Direction 3 (SD 3) on "Strengthening Criminal Intelligence Gathering Force-wide". Crime Wing thrashed out this approach after considering the key findings of a questionnaire survey and focus group interviews conducted by Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) with officers at various ranks up to Senior Superintendent.

Before elaborating on the main objectives and features of the new approach, CIB Chief Superintendent (CSP) So Kam-sing pointed out that after SD 3 was introduced in the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) 2008-2010, officers had made concerted efforts to support many projects and initiatives.

"Nevertheless, cultivating a culture of 'Intelligence Gathering (IG) is Everybody's Business' is a long-term commitment. Much of what has been achieved in SAP 2008-2010 paves the way for further developments in SAP 2010-2012. Crime Wing hopes that the new initiatives, which are being or will be taken, would bring more fruitful results for enhancing intelligence gathering for intelligence-led policing," he noted.

"The Force management recognises the fact that effective intelligence gathering will not only help intelligence-led operations, but also minimise the risks that an officer may be exposed to when taking part in an operation. That is why we have vowed to achieve the vision of SD 3," CSP So added.

"I'm glad that there is a multitude of cases to show effective intelligence gathering has contributed to the success of operations and the safety of the officers taking part in the operations," CSP So noted.

Four key projects

Turning to the latest initiatives to achieve the SD 3 in SAP 2010-2012, CSP So said they mainly comprise four key projects. While Crime Wing continues to look after the two projects on further development of the Force Criminal Intelligence System (FCIS) and enhancement of policies and procedures related to intelligence gathering, the projects on promotion of total participation and implementation of training programmes are being taken up by New Territories South (NTS) Region and Police College respectively.

"The extended involvement of NTS, Police College and other Major Formations in formulation of key projects for SD 3 underlines officers' increasingly active participation in an area so vital for police work," he said.

"New plans and measures will be developed to reinforce the liaison within and outside the FCIS. An electronic transmission system of Information Report Form (IRF) will be introduced", said CSP So when he outlined the main features of the first project.

"Consideration is being given to creating the post of Intelligence Liaison Assistant in frontline units with a view to strengthening the working relationship between frontline and FCIS units," he added.

The introduction of an electronic transmission system of IRF aims to facilitate as well as to encourage officers to submit IRF. Essentially this electronic system is also an effective management tool for the FCIS units in processing IRFs and providing timely feedback to the reporting officers.

As for the second project, two of the major components are comprehensive review and development of Force policies and guidelines on handling of intelligence, CSP So pointed out.

Total participation in IG

Turning to NTS' role of promoting total participation in IG across the Force, CSP So stressed that it was vital to continue with the "3As", namely Awareness, Acceptance and Action. In this respect, NTS will thrash out sustainable measures to reinforce IG competency across the Force, and introduce an integrated IG management system.

Meanwhile, Regional Commander NTS now chairs a Force Committee on Promoting Total Participation in IG with all Deputy Regional Commanders and CSP CIB as official members to oversee implementation of initiatives and review the progress of the project.

CSP So went on to say that CIB, in collaboration with Police College, had developed a structured training programme to enhance IG competence across the Force. Measures to enhance the professionalism of intelligence operations and training for officers of FCIS units had also been introduced.

After attending train-the-trainer workshops provided by CIB, college staff has implemented Basic IG Modules for Recruit Police Constables. In the pipeline are Basic IG Modules for Probationary Inspectors, IG Modules for Sergeant and Station Sergeant Promotion Courses.

"Crime Wing and Police College have finished production of a Training Day Package with the theme of 'IG is Everybody's Business', which will be rolled out on Force Training Days starting from early July," CSP So concluded, adding that he believed all those efforts will achieve the objectives of SD 3 on "Strengthening Criminal Intelligence Gathering Force-wide".

Officers attending a workshop on intelligence gathering

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