Central and Waterfront to amalgamate |
Central Division (CDIV) and Waterfront Division (WFDIV) will complete its amalgamation on July 18 with the aim to restructure Central District (CDIST) into a "Single Division District". The District, incorporating the Peak Sub-division (PKSDIV), will establish a more efficient span of command, facilitate more flexible frontline deployment and provide better services to the local community. The command structure will have no reduction in manpower. However, in order to ensure a proper and effective command, the responsibilities of the Operations Structure will be divided on a functional basis: *Assistant District Commander Operations I, assisted by Chief Inspector Operations I, will oversee Watch and Ward duties, including Patrol Sub-units, Task Force Sub-unit and Operations Support Sub-unit; *Assistant District Commander Operations II, assisted by Chief Inspector Operations II, will command public order policing, including a Security Sub-unit, a Public Order Event Sub-unit and PKSDIV; *Assistant District Commander Administration and Assistant District Commander Crime will remain unchanged and will continue to command the support/administration and crime structures respectively. Central District
To bring various units of CDIV and WFDIV under one roof, a new complex has been built adjacent to the Waterfront Police Station. Most of the units have already moved into this new CDIST Headquarters (HQ) since January this year. The existing Waterfront Police Station will be re-named Central Police Station. The Waterfront Report Room will become the new Central Report Room which will start operation from 8 am on July 18. It will enhance services for members of the public making reports. Meanwhile, the Police Service Centre at No. 149, Queen’s Road Central will continue providing a round-the-clock reporting service. Upon the full amalgamation on July 18, CDIST will return the accommodation it occupies at Police Headquarters complex, including the existing CDIV Report Room, to the precinct of Wan Chai District (WCHDIST), which will effectively restore the boundaries that were in place prior to the CDIST relocation from Hollywood Road to Arsenal House. Wan Chai Distrist
WCHDIST and Wan Chai Division (WCHDIV) are planning to move from the Jaffe Road site to Arsenal House in the last quarter of this year. To facilitate the public to make reports after CDIV moving out, WCHDIV will operate a Temporary Reporting Centre at the previous Police Community Relations Office, CDIST, 1/F, Arsenal House (adjacent to the existing CDIV Report Room), starting from July 18. The existing CDIV Report Room will be renovated and turned into the WCHDIV Report Room later in the year. The existing WCHDIV Report Room at No.123, Gloucester Road will remain in operation until the relocation of WCHDIST and WCHDIV to Arsenal House. The amalgamation will not affect or denigrate services for members of the public, as there will be no reduction in the number of frontline officers. On the contrary, the overall efficiency, through more flexible and effective deployment of resources, will be enhanced.
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