Fight crime ambassadors fulfil mission in Canada |
Twenty-two fight crime ambassadors, who were winners of the "Hang Seng Bank - Help the Police Fight Youth Crime Competition 2010", have returned to Hong Kong after an eight-day trip to Vancouver and Regina in Canada, where they spread fight crime messages and promoted Hong Kong as a world city. Hosted by Vancouver Police Department, the ambassadors visited the Canada Police Museum, Vancouver Mountain Squad and Marine Unit. They also talked about their mission in Canada during interviews with local newspapers. In Regina, the ambassadors were put up in the training school of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Besides touring training facilities, they visited a local police station and watched a parade by police officers. They also had a forum with the officers, talking about the differences in policing work between Hong Kong and Canada, and briefing their hosts on the latest situation in Hong Kong. The ambassadors were divided into groups in taking part in various activities, and this arrangement made for team spirit. "We learned how to take care of each other, and in doing so we also improved our skills to communicate and get things organised. We feel we've become more mature after the trip," said ambassadors Yuen Wing-yan and Fong Tsz-him. "Hang Seng Bank - Help the Police Fight Youth Crime Competition 2010" was organised by Police Public Relations Branch with sponsorship from Hang Seng Bank. The 22 ambassadors were winners of the secondary school, post secondary school and non-government organisation (youth service and uniformed group) categories of the competition, having come up with outstanding performances in essay writing, test on leadership skills and project presentation on youth crime.
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