New HKAPF Commandant on way forward |
"Hands Together for Another Peak" is the mission of the New Commandant of Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force (HKAPF), Mr Yiu Yeung-lung. In an interview with media representatives at HKAPF Headquarters, he said that in the past 10 years he had assisted the former Commandant in the daily operation of HKAPF, ranging from recruitment, training, appraisal of frontline policing. "There is surely continuity in the administration of the auxiliary police force after I took up the post of Commandant. While keeping up our quality services, the quality of auxiliary police officers will also be enhanced," Mr Yiu noted. Mr Yiu pointed out that more and more young people are joining the auxiliary police force, with the average age of new university recruits being at 22. "They're really full of enthusiasm for social services. They're interested in auxiliary police work, not just looking for a part-time job. In view of this, developments of auxiliary police work should move towards the direction of diversification by which we can provide more support for regular officers and make training more comprehensive by injecting new elements. I believe officers would get more interested in their jobs which would help realise their potentials," he said. Speaking of the new Auxiliary Police Village Patrol Team, Mr Yiu said the team now has 150 officers, and the target is to increase establishment to 600. Besides tackling quick-cash crimes and illegal immigration, the team also takes part in operations to search for missing persons, the recent search for an Air New Zealand pilot being a good example. All instructors of the Village Patrol Team need to receive training at PTU Headquarters, who will then provide on-the-job training, including tactics application, use of firearms, route planning, map reading, first aid, and search and rescue, for the team members. "There are also report room duties, mobile patrol and roadblock operations. We'll extend our jobs step by step, taking into consideration officers' abilities, resources and occuptional safety and health matters, in order to keep pace with times. Furthermore, we'll also enhance officers' contacts with the community, such as by taking part in volunteer services in society," he added. Encouraging young people to join the HKAPF, Mr Yiu said the auxiliary force tries to groom young people with diversified training. "After the training, the recruits have become more sophisticated. Their parents are happy to see such a change and our society will also benefit from it as they are the future pillars of society," he added. Having served the HKAPF for 34 years, Mr Yiu said he was gratified whenever he saw HKAPF officers accomplish their missions, as well as public recognition of the accomplishments. Upholding the Force motto of "We Serve with Pride and Care", he pledged to work closely with regular officers to provide quality and professional services in a compassionate and concerted manner.
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