FCIM delighted with Districts' IM initiatives |
The Integrated Integrity Management (IM) Framework was launched in March 2009. In the following article, Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch (C&IIB) reports on the various initiatives Formation Integrity Committees (FIC) have adopted to promote the integrity of the Force and the Force Values of integrity and honesty. What C&IIB officers discovered in an Outreach Programme conducted between July and August this year is: "There is no difficulty for many colleagues. The magic is being innovative and pragmatic of what we actually need." They visited the FIC in each Region to find out feedback on the IM Framework and good practices. The officers also noticed that different FICs had different compositions and had devised different IM initiatives to suit their own needs. The following are highlights of the IM initiatives. WCHDIST - JPO FIC Sub-committee
In Wan Chai District (WCHDIST), Junior Police Officers (JPO) participate in IM matters through the JPO FIC Sub-committee set up in August 2009. The Sub-committee, chaired by a Station Sergeant, consists of volunteer JPOs from various units in the District. They approach integrity matters from various perspectives, including Force management, affected citizens and general public. They would then come up with "Dos and Don'ts" and necessary recommendations, which would be brought to the attention of the FIC and disseminated to members of the District. YLDIST - NCO Sub-committee
Yuen Long District (YLDIST) also recognises the importance of engaging JPOs and its focus is to involve Non-commissioned Officers (NCOs). In Tin Shui Wai Division, a Formation Integrity & Complaints Sub-committee comprising one NCO from each team or unit has been formed. The sub-committee provides a forum on IM matters for NCOs in the Division, as well as promotion of divisional complaint reduction initiatives. Support and guidance are also offered to officers subject to integrity related enquiries with a view to reintegrating them into their duties. KTDIST - Integrity Ambassador Scheme
Forty-one Integrity Ambassadors were appointed in Kowloon East Region in October 2009 of whom seven come from Kwun Tong District (KTDIST). The Committee assists KTDIST in implementing local initiatives so as to achieve a positive peer-group influence in the District. The Ambassadors have also formed a platform for frontline officers to express their views on the policies and initiatives implemented by FICs. A poster design and an IM Quiz Competition were held in November 2009 and May 2010 respectively with the assistance of Integrity Ambassadors from KTDIST. MKDIST - BEST PC
Mong Kok District's (MKDIST) innovative initiatives include a monthly Best PC Award, which is aimed at supporting frontline duties and promoting integrity. Nomination for the award is not restricted to officers' good arrests or productivity. More importantly, their character and discipline are also taken into consideration. KWTDIST - e-Learning Package
In Kwai Tsing District (KWTDIST), an e-learning package called "Walking with Integrity" has been used on Formation Training Day since July 2010. This e-learning package provides users with a platform to examine and discuss integrity matters through five scenario-type stories. It also uses case study and scenario-type stories to help enhance officers' understanding of the "Four Way Values" Judgment and the Behavioural Guidelines. Way Forward
Some of the above-mentioned initiatives were reported to the Force Committee on Integrity Management (FCIM) Meeting on September 6. FCIM Members were delighted to note that officers have found innovative and efficient avenues to promote the Force Values of honesty and integrity. The Outreach Programme will continue and more initiatives will be identified for sharing in future.
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