More officers gain overseas exposure

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Police College organises from time to time overseas study visits for officers to broaden their horizons and share best practices with other law enforcement agencies.

In the latest visit, a delegation comprising two Senior Inspectors, two Sergeants and six Police Constables from different formations, headed by New Territories North Chief Inspector (Operations) Dick Wong, spent eight days with the Victoria Police, Australia, in mid-August. The delegation had called on different Police units and looked into policing of drug driving.

Since the beginning of 2004, the Victoria Police has put in place the world's first random Roadside Drug Testing programme in parallel with alcohol driving enforcement. Drivers suspected of having consumed alcohol or drugs will be stopped and questioned, and then have alcohol and drug tests on a "Booze" bus, which is designed for both tests. If the test result is positive, further investigation will follow. Throughout the demonstrations by and discussion with the traffic police, the delegation was most impressed by the success of the programme and efforts of the Victoria Police to enhance training for officers.

The delegation also met Chief Inspectors Eve Chung and John Tse, both of whom had just completed a three-week study programme with the Australian Institute of Police Management and were on a weeklong attachment to the Victoria Police.

The delegation members view the visit as a great experience that would benefit their career developments.


Officers study a roadside drug test gear

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