Police Magazine stages roadshow

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Since 1973, Police Magazine has been advising television audience on the latest crime trend and crime prevention tips. It promotes co-operation between citizens and Police in fighting crime. Meanwhile through Police Magazine, members of the public would be able to understand better the work of different Police Formations and their latest developments.

To engage the community and disseminate crime prevention messages, Police Public Relations Branch rolled out "Roadshow of Police Magazine" at East Point City, Tseung Kwan O, on September 28. In the show, the Police Magazine Mascot, Kingson, presented a crime prevention knowledge quiz. More than 100 participants answered various questions and were presented with souvenirs of the Mascot.

Police Magazine upcoming highlights

Following the series on deception prevention , Police Magazine is going to launch the "Safe Use of Smartphone" series and the brand new "Airport District Feature".

Starting from October 2, Police Magazine is broadcast between 7 pm and 7:30 pm every Saturday on ATV Home channel.


Police Magazine Mascot, Kingson, is the centre of attraction at a crime prevention quiz

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