WCHDIV strives to improve living environment

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The places for leisure and entertainment in Wan Chai have become more popular in recent years, and this situation has given rise to problems associated with drunkenness, petty crimes, as well as complaints of noise nuisance. At present, there are 721 liquor-licensed premises and 125 club liquor-licensed premises in Wan Chai, of which 186 are located upstairs. A great number of bars are situated in the residential areas along Lockhart Road and Jaffe Road, and in commercial buildings on Tang Lung Street and Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay.

To show the police are determined to ensure a safe working and living environment for all, Wan Chai Division (WCHDIV) has launched Operation "JUNGLEHUT", which targets entertainment areas. Forming part of an action to support Wan Chai District's Action Plan on Late Night Violence and Alcohol-Fuelled Violence, the operation is being spearheaded by WCHDIV's Licensing Sub-unit, headed by Senior Inspector Hung Hin-kau, to tackle issues related to licensed premises, such as enforcement action against problematic licensed premises, drinking by minors, hooliganism and noise nuisance on liquor premises.

Besides licence checks and enforcement, the tactics employed also include engagement with bar operators to enlist their support and co-operation. Visits are also being made to 24-hour convenience stores to deter drinking by, and sale of alcohol to, youngsters on the spot.

Commending on the success of Operation "JUNGLEHUT", WCHDIV Assistant Divisional Commander Rohit Bhagat said: "The operation is not designed to harass bar operators or their customers but rather to provide a safe and peaceful atmosphere for the enjoyment of all, including families, and at the same time enable residents to enjoy a good night's sleep. Bar operators generally welcome the enhanced police presence, so much so that the licensing office has received intelligence from bar operators on under-age drinking, drug peddling and prostitution activities".

The first phase of the operation focused on education and advice. Three sets of police advisory notices have been distributed: one set to bar operators to remind them of their responsibilities as liquor licensees; second set on the requirements of the Massage Establishment Ordinance to massage establishment operators; and the third set to customers, advising them on how to find out whether a bar is licensed or not.

In addition, the Licensing Sub-unit and the Hong Kong Island Regional Crime Prevention Office have jointly offered a seminar at Wan Chai Police Station for operators of upstairs bars to exchange ideas of crime prevention, co-operation and mutual trust.

Operation "JUNGLHUT" is scheduled to be reviewed later this month, following stepped up enforcement action.

Wan Chai Division holds a seminar for operators of upstairs bars

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