Yuen Long Charity Run

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Yuen Long District recently held a "Yuen Long Community Charity Long Run", with a newly employed Non-ethic Chinese Police Community Liaison Assistant acting as the MC. The event paid recognition of the contributions to the "Oxfam Hong Kong" in aid of flood victims in Pakistan by five Yuen Long JPC Honorary Presidents, Messrs Bar Chun-chow (Chairman), Fong Man-lee (Vice-Chairman), Chong Kin-shing, Chan Kin-yip and Ip Nin-kwong.

After a cheque presentation ceremony, Yuen Long District Commander Mike Cartwright led 19 officers, 17 JPC members and 11 Pakistani youngsters in the charity run. The distance covered by the runners totalled about 100 kilometres.

JPC members and Pakistani youngers support the charity race

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