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DCP(M) visits tactics training in Guizhou


Deputy Commissioner (Management) Lee Ka-chiu led a study-exchange tour to Guizhou from September 12 to 18 to see how the Police College's Mobile Training Team was conducting exchanges on tactics training with security officers at the Police Officer Vocational College of the Guizhou Public Security Department.

Mr Lee exchanges souvenirs at a welcoming ceremony

Jointly hosted by the Ministry of Public Security and the Force, this training and exchange programme was conducted by the nine-member Mobile Training Team headed by Superintendent (Weapons Training) Chan Wing-leung. Other members of the team were Chief Inspector Ng Kai-kwong, Senior Inspectors Cheuk Ping-fai and Tse Siu-ki, and Sergeants Lee Siu-wah, Tse Ka-lung, Mo Chin-chee, Chan Wai-ming and Chan Wai-shing.

Assisted by eight Guizhou instructors, the team offered training to a total of 80 trainee instructors from public security authorities at various levels in Guizhou. The objective of the programme was to promote exchanges on concepts, philosophies and instructional skills in relation to tactics training.

During the programme, Mr Lee called at the Vocational College to see at first hand the training process. He showed a special interest in the application of safety guidelines and safety accoutrements in training. While watching a tactics training exercise, he put on the accoutrements to experience the protection afforded to the trainees.

The Guizhou Public Security Department and the Vocational College both attached great importance to the training programme. In particular, Mr Wang Zehong, Deputy Director of the department, played an active part in the tactics training, exchanging views with the instructors and trainees and sharing experience of solving major cases.

Throughout the programme, the Force's instructors were impressed by the trainees' good standard, good planning of the programme, and special arrangements made for them. Mr Liu Peng, Director of the Vocational College, was so concerned that the instructors might find the local food too spicy that he specially brought in a chef from Guangdong to look after catering for the instructors.

Graduation ceremony

Speaking at a graduation ceremony at the Vocational College on September 17, Mr Lee thanked the Guizhou Public Security Department for having confidence in the Force, thereby giving recognition to the Force's standard of tactics training. He noted that the Mobile Training Team had toured 13 provinces or cities, training up a total of 960 "seed instructors", and sharing with them the Force's principles on use of weapons and tactics. He also praised the trainees for their determination to complete the "intensive and challenging" programme.

Following his speech, Mr Lee presented certificates to the trainees and the eight local instructors.

Besides the Guizhou Public Security Department and the Vocational College, Mr Lee's delegation also visited some other public security units and police stations. These visits gave the delegation members a better idea of the situations of the law and order and police-community relations in those areas. As Guizhou is the province with the third highest concentration of ethnic minorities, the training exchange also enriched the members' knowledge of policing minority groups.

Eighty trainee instructors from various parts of Guizhou take part in the training exchange

Mobile Training Team members giving a demonstration

Members of OffBeat Editorial Committee:
SSP PPRB (Chairperson)
Ms SIU Shau-fan SP ADM HKI
Mr LI Hok-wai
Mr Eric HO CIP CRM HQ (2)
Mr KUK Wai-kei

Editor: Mark Tam: 2860-6171
Reporters: Michelle Mak: 2860-6172
Tony Au Yeung: 2860-6173
Photographers: Woody Wu: 2860-6174
Jason Chu: 2860-6175
Fax: 2200-4309
Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Deadline for next edition: October 25, 2010

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