Appreciation Corner

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To whom it may concern:

My apartment got broken into on September 27, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the policemen who assisted in this incident.

I learned from my neighbour that policemen arrived in four to five cars and searched for the robber immediately. Also, my boyfriend saw several policemen carry out further investigations the day after and patrolled on the streets. I really appreciate the work of the police under such a hot weather.

I would like to thank particularly one of the CIDs helping me from the beginning until late in the evening. There were two actually, one took verbal statements from my neighbour and me and the other asked for the CCTV video from the building security.His professionalism and patience really impressed me and changed my impression of policemen. And I am sure nobody would be able to have such concentration and ability without "passion".

I have come back from overseas and experienced a similar incident in my house. The police there took only one hour to end the investigation with no follow-up action. I really appreciate the efforts and standard operational procedure of the Hong Kong Police.

Please convey my thanks to the policemen mentioned above. They are a very good example for others.

Best regards,
Ms Poon

(Editor's Note: The two police officers mentioned in this letter are Sergeant Fok Chi-kong and Police Constable Ip Chak-piu, both from District Investigation Team 6, Eastern District.)

I was caught by police officer 20750 for illegally crossing continuous double white lines.

The officer nicely told me what my mistake was. I was driving to take my daughter to a shopping centre in Wong Tai Sin to which I have never been. He tried to show me how to get there, but I failed to understand despite his explanation.

The officer finally led me to the shopping centre. After dropping off my daughter, he also led me to a nearby tunnel from where I drove home.

The officer could have done nothing for me after issuing the penalty ticket, but he was very helpful to an ordinary citizen. His professionalism and politeness project the positive image of the Hong Kong Police.

Grateful if you would pass on my heartfelt appreciation to him.

Ms Chau

(Editor's Note: The officer is Police Constable Chan King-hong of PSU 1 (MCP) E & C KE)

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