ACP Support praises potential officers

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Assistant Commissioner (Support) Peter Hunt presented on October 8 letters of compliment to seven members of the Development Programme for Junior Officers with Potential for coming up with outstanding performances whilst working at the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Division over the past months.

The officers had participated in a number of projects related to launching of the new Force Safety Management System (FSMS) and a supporting electronic system, the e-Force Safety Management System (e-FSMS).

With the roll out of the new Force OSH Website, each of the officers had also written, delivered and produced their own video presentation on an aspect of the new system. Their presentations have been uploaded onto the website.

Police Constable (PC) Ha Pok-yin said he enjoyed working in the OSH Division not just to identify problems, but also to find solutions. "We worked hard and built up good team spirit," he added.

As part of the programme, the officers had introduced their views on the FSMS and e-FSMS to fellow officers. PC Chan Chi-kong said delivering presentations in front of large audiences had boosted his confidence, adding that he had also come to appreciate what would make a good speaker.

Presenting the complimentary letters, Mr Hunt said he really appreciated the officers' hard work and input. "Your input has helped us enhance the FSMS to better meet the needs of the frontline officers it serves," he told the officers.

Mr Hunt greatly appreciates the efforts put in by the potential officers

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