HKI honours outstanding security guards

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Hong Kong Island Region held the Hong Kong Island Best Security Services Awards Presentation 2009-2010 at Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Wan Chai, on October 7 to recognise the contributions of the security industry.

The award scheme paid recognition to those security guards and property management companies, who came up with outstanding performances in the past year. In organising the scheme, Hong Kong Island Police Community Relations Office hopes that awards would spur the security industry into upgrading the overall standard of property management in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Island Regional Commander, Dr Cheuk Chun-yin, officiated at the presentation ceremony before a large gathering of guests, who included representatives of the District Councils and District Fight Crime Committees on Hong Kong Island, the Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority, the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies Limited, and The Hong Kong Security Association.

This year the award scheme has received over 1 500 nominations, a bigger response than last year. An adjudication panel subsequently selected 10 winners of the "Best Top Ten Security Guards Awards", 40 winners of the "Best Security Guards Awards" and 150 winners of the "Outstanding Security Guards Awards". In addition, the panel awarded the "Outstanding Industrial/Commercial Property Management Awards" to 100 properties, and the "Outstanding Residential Property Management Awards" to another 100 properties.

This year Hong Kong Island Region has presented a total of 400 awards

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