More joint efforts on elderly pedestrian safety

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Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ) has been working closely with the Road Safety Council (RSC) and District Councils to promote road safety with various programmes. As elderly pedestrians make up about 60 percent of all pedestrian fatalities, TBHQ and RSC have initiated various programmes to bring road safety messages to elderly pedestrians across the territory.

Following the success of the "Safe Ride for the Elderly" Bus Parade in Central and Western, Kwun Tong and Yuen Long, another publicity campaign was kicked off in Wan Chai on September 25. The campaign was a joint effort by TBHQ Road Safety Unit, Road Safety Team of Hong Kong Island Region, Road Safety Council, Wan Chai District Council, Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol (HKRSP) and St. James Settlement Continuing Care. The campaign's message to elderly pedestrians is "Love Yourself, Love Your Family, Be a Smart Pedestrian".

Officiating at the event were Chairman of the Road Safety Campaign Committee, Mr Yu Kam-kee; Chairman of the Development, Planning and Transport Committee of Wan Chai District Council, Mr Ng Kam-chun; Wan Chai District Officer, Miss Angela Luk; Senior Assistant Commissioner of HKRSP (Hong Kong & Island Region), Mr Wong Kai-chun; TBHQ Chief Superintendent Stephen Verralls, and Traffic Hong Kong Island Superintendent James Wan.

After the campaign kick-off ceremony, the guests and "Elderly Road Safety Ambassadors" boarded the "Elderly Road Safety Bus" and travelled to Happy Valley to disseminate road safety messages, stopping at several traffic black spots and busy pedestrian crossings to hand out leaflets and souvenirs to pedestrians.

Promotion of elderly pedestrian safety is an activity for all ages. To make young people more aware of road safety and to care about the elderly, RSU, TBHQ and the Road Safety Team of Kowloon West Region organised the "Junior Road Safety Leaders Caring for the Elderly" event in West Kowloon in the same morning, following which HKRSP Commissioner, Mr Lam Chi-kit, led over 30 junior HKRSP members and their parents to distribute publicity leaflets at pedestrian crossings.

These events brought out a clear message to elderly pedestrians and other road users that they should be careful while crossing the road.

The ceremony also kicked off a territory-wide two-week pedestrian road safety campaign, which was held from September 24 to October 7. During the first week, publicity leaflets were distributed to pedestrians to raise their awareness of road safety, followed by enforcement action in the second week.


The "Elderly Road Safety Bus" parades in Wan Chai and Happy Valley

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