Carelinks Cadre marks anniversary

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Over 50 members of the Carelinks Cadre took part in an Annual Forum which marked the cadre's 5th Anniversary at the Police Officers' Club on September 18. Personnel Services and Staff Relations Branch Chief Superintendent (CSP) Lam Man-sai officiated at the event and presented Appointment Letters to the "Carelinkers" for their new term of office.

Addressing the gathering, CSP Lam praised the "Carelinkers" for promoting a culture of care within the Force over the past five years, and for their positive attitude towards life, which, she noted, served as a role model for their colleagues. She also encouraged the "Carelinkers" to keep up their good work.

In the morning session of the forum, Clinical Psychologist of the Social Welfare Department, Mr Eddie Lo, conducted a presentation on "Positive Psychology and Happiness" by revealing the secrets of leading a happy life and introducing the concepts of "Affluenza" and "Rich Mind".

According to Mr Lo, "Affluenza", a term combining "affluence" and "influenza", is a pandemic in developed societies like Hong Kong, and has its causes in ever craving for material wealth. To provide an antidote for "Affluenza", Mr Lo spoke of the concept of "Rich Mind", which, he noted, puts emphasis on redefining wealth and setting priorities in life. By developing one's mindset, one would enjoy a happy and meaningful life and be able to cope with difficulties effectively.

In the afternoon, Police Clinical Psychologists Alison Mak and Samantha Yung conducted a sharing session on "mindfulness". To attain "mindfulness", they said, "each thought, feeling, or sensation coming to our attention should be acknowledged and accepted as it is". This is a modern method to relieve stress by understanding one's physical and mental conditions.

Before conclusion of the Annual Forum, the "Carelinkers" spoke of the services they provide to their colleagues and reported on the progress of the different ongoing projects of the cadre. They also shared ideas of further promoting peer support and improving services.

There are presently more than 70 "Carelinkers", who are offering various services to Force members, including conducting sharing sessions with Recruit Police Constables and Probationary Inspectors at the beginning and end of their basic training at the Police College; manning the Carelinks Helpline three times a week; organising workshops on Formation Training Days; and promoting books on psychological well-being.

For enquery or suggestion contact Cadre Chairman Gilbert Wong on 2703-2406 or Vice-chairman Edmond Lau on 2866-1561, or send e-mail to

Mr Lo reveals the recipes for happiness

The Carelinkers welcome more Force members to join their cadre

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