Appreciation Corner

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Dear Mr Wright,

Divisional Commander, Aberdeen Division

This is Shivahare, the Indian guy whom you helped to get back a hand luggage carrying US$15 000 and other documents.

Though I missed my flight on that day but I recovered my entire cash from the sales at the recent Hong Kong jewellery show in Wan Chai due to the honesty of your cab driver and your promptness in resolving the issue.

I would like to thank all of you for being so prompt and taking the extra initiative to call up my office in India and get me my entire money and documents without which I would have been ruined and would have lost the faith of a lot of my new clients I met in the show.

Apart from recovering the money, your people (the cab driver and your staff) have instilled a great amount of trust in me and have set a deep sense of reverence and gratitude for the people of Hong Kong.

My sincere greetings and a million thanks to all of you, especially your staff number SGT 48591, PCs 59037 and 5454 and WPC 56843


(Editor's Note: The four officers mentioned in this letter are Sergeant Leung Hung-wong, Police Constable Choi Chun-nang and Law Ka-fai and Woman Police Constable Lee Lai-cheung, all from Railway District. In the Chinese section, PC Wong Kin-man of ABDDIV talks about how he had handled Mr Shivahare's case.)


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