MDP looks into human rights

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At the invitation of Police College, Professor Johannes Chan, Dean of the Law Faculty of the Hong Kong University, and Ms Roxana Cheng, Acting Deputy Solicitor General, Legal Policy Division (Human Rights) of the Department of Justice, gave a talk, entitled "Human Rights - Bridging the gap of perceptions between police law enforcement and human rights protection", at Police Headquarters on October 14 as part of a Management Development Programme (MDP).

The guest speakers gave an overview on the common law principles of, and constitutional framework for, human rights in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Quoting previous human rights litigation cases in the HKSAR, they provided good illustrations of how to strike a fine balance between the competing rights of individuals in policing, ranging from policy formulation to execution of police duties and power. The talk was informative and practical and served to widen the audience's scope of thinking, particularly on the way forward in light of the heightened awareness and expectation of human rights in society.

Attracting over 150 officers and civilian staff, the seminar was well received. The audience particularly enjoyed the question-and-answer session, which saw a candid exchange of views.

The voice recording of the seminar has been uploaded onto the Learning Portal in Knowledge Management on POINT.

The next MDP on "Community Policing", to be presented by three overseas law enforcement officers attending the Senior Command Course, will be held on November 15.

Director of Personnel and Training Ma Wai-luk thanks the guest speakers for their informative and interesting talks

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