ACP (Support) thanks ITB staff

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Assistant Commissioner (Support) Peter Hunt recently met with the Information Technology Bureau (ITB) staff responsible for the design and programming of the new e-Force Safety Management System (e-FSMS). The system incorporates many technological enhancements, allowing on-line accident reporting, Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and self-assessments that were not available in the original e-system specifications.

The system is now being operated Force-wide. Within the four months following the launch of the system, over 6 000 DSE self-assessments were conducted on-line, 600 workstations were checked and nearly 3 000 safety risk assessments were uploaded into the system.  Minutes of meetings on the system were also stored electronically.

The system has been successfully rebuilt as a result of the close working partnership between Support Wing and Information Systems Wing (ISW).

"For us, stakeholder involvement is essential to the success of any IT project," said ISW Senior Project Manager Cheung Kim-hung. "One thing we have appreciated is the sincerity on the Occupational Safety and Health side to improve the system." 

Hui Wai-keung, who works with Mr Cheung, said he had learned a lot from the project. "With systems designers, programmers and users all working together, the end-result is much better than that coming from three individual inputs," he added.

Thanking everyone for a job well done, Mr Hunt said: "The thing I like about e-FSMS is that it is simple and easy to use; has provided considerable benefits to the frontline by taking away much of the administrative burden; and has improved compliance and effectiveness without adding more work."


Mr Hunt discusses with ITB staff technical enhancements for the new e-Force Safety Management System

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