JPOs promote Force Values

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A sub-committee comprising Junior Police Officers (JPO) of Wan Chai District (WCHDIST) as members has been making headway in promoting the Force Values of integrity and honesty since it came into being in August 2009.

After the Force-wide launching of the Integrated Management (IM) Framework in March 2009, WCHDIST set up the sub-committee to involve JPOs in thrashing out IM initiatives. Chaired by a Station Sergeant, the sub-committee now has 23 members coming from various units.   

The tasks of the sub-committee are, among others, assisting in implementation of integrity-related issues on Force, Region and District levels; seeking views and feedback on what constitutes professional integrity and ethical behaviour; identifying "good practices" that can be implemented within WCHDIST; evaluating and carrying out trial IM schemes as directed by WCHDIST's Formation Integrity Committee (FIC); and supporting the FIC's dissemination of IM information. The sub-committee, therefore, serves as an important link between the management and frontline officers on IM matters.

The sub-committee meets every nine weeks to discuss various IM matters, including officers' attitudes, breach of disciplinary codes and the subsequent impact on Force image, as well as remedial measures to take.

Besides reporting to the FIC on the matters discussed, concerns identified and lessons learned, the sub-committee also posts minutes of its meetings on Station Notice Boards and at Resource Centres. Sub-committee members also attend Unit Training Day and Wan Chai Division's operational or management meetings to share and disseminate IM messages.  

The sub-committee has come up with new ideas and initiatives for promoting awareness and acceptance of IM initiatives. A good example is the putting up of a Suggestion Box at Resource Centres.

Sub-committee Chairman, Station Sergeant Lee Lung-tai said he is delighted to see a change in the attitudes of officers towards IM. "Luke-warm attitude has given way to lively debates and overrun of meetings. We will continue to adopt the 3A approach (Awareness, Acceptance and Action) to promote the Force Values of integrity and honesty. We will continue to use different channels for communication and explore new ways to implement IM initiatives," he noted.


The JPO sub-committee has deliberated many ideas of promoting integrity management since its inception in August last year

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