EU HKI beefs up operational readiness

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Over the past year, Emergency Unit Hong Kong Island (EU HKI) was conscious of the need to ensure that both itself and its officers will be better prepared to meet all eventualities. It is also well aware that an Emergency Unit is on call 24 hours a day to handle 999 calls and a host of emergencies, including those involving firearms and terrorists.

With this in mind, EU HKI has been making conscious efforts to improve the professionalism of its officers, with the efforts taking many forms, the most obvious example being enhancement of in-house training.

"While officers continue attending the EU Function Training Course run by Police Tactical Unit Headquarters, as well as Weapon Training Division's Close-Quarter Battle Range sessions, EU HKI has completely revamped its own internal training," said EU HKI Acting Superintendent (SP) Pierre Wong. "The whole project was initiated by former SP Rupert Dover. Senior Inspector (SIP) Simon Cheung, assisted by his team, is largely responsible for running the project."

"We've focused on those areas where we needed to improve and made sure our tactics work, no matter it is life-saving, mounting a roadblock or sweeping a building for armed suspects," said SIP Cheung. "After completing training, officers got a chance to practise their skills in an actual operational environment, normally through a series of mini-exercises conducted during the 'C' shift."

Officers welcome the improvements in training. Police Constable Chow who transferred from a Task Force Sub-unit to EU HKI with 13 years' service, said: "I'm very impressed by the camaraderie and teamwork within EU HKI. I'm able to pass on my experience to my colleagues and learn a lot," he added.

Posting to an Emergency Unit is a challenging and rewarding stage of an officer's career. EU HKI always looks for new blood and welcomes newcomers to its fold.


EU officers receive training on handling an incident of domestic violence

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