LLB members on 'field trip'

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While the Liquor Licensing Board (LLB) is the statutory body to issue liquor licences, the Force plays an important role as the key enforcement agency. To enhance the co-operation between the executive arm and the operational units, the Licensing Office arranges annual "field trip" for LLB members.

The latest "field trip" took place on the evening of October 9, which was a "fact-finding" journey for LLB members to take a close look at the environment at night and to understand better the operations of different types of liquor-licensed premises, as well as the enforcement action taken by the police.

Led by their Chairman, Mr Felix Fong Wo, the LLB members visited upstairs bars, clubs and pubs in Central, Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai. They also discussed with government department representatives the proliferation of upstairs bars, imposition of additional licence conditions, fire safety and handling of complaints of noise nuisance.

The visit enhanced the dialogue among the LLB, stakeholder departments and Force members on matters concerning liquor licensing.

Accompanying the LLB members were Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Food), Mrs Lai Chan Chi-kuen, and representatives of Food and Health Bureau, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Fire Services Department, Buildings Department, Environmental Protection Department and Police Districts.

LLB members visit many liquor-licensed premises during their "field trip"

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