HKI Sports Day draws large turnout

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Over 800 officers from various units of Hong Kong Island (HKI) Region turned up at Police Sports and Recreation Club on October 8 to pit against each other in wits and physique at the Region's annual Sports Day. And cooler weather made the event more enjoyable for both spectators and athletes.

As usual, the athletes competed in seven-a-side soccer, basketball, swimming, running, table tennis, tennis, squash, bowling and tug-of-war. In addition, there were fun games for the less sporty. All the participants were totally absorbed in competitions and tried their best to win, giving full support for their Region's policy on "Physical Health Management - One man, One sport".

The event reached a climax as Regional Commander, Dr Cheuk Chun-yin, Deputy Regional Commander Cheung Tak-keung, and all District Commanders cheered on the participants in the fun games and the tug-of-war grand final. And cheerleader teams did their best to boost team spirit.

Following intense competitions, Eastern District and Police Tactical Unit (HKI Region) pulled off the Championships of Major Formation and Minor Formation respectively. Besides giving all officers a lot of fun, the event went a long way towards boosting camaraderie.

One of the popular events of Hong Kong Island Region's annual Sports Day

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