Marine Region takes part in Maritime Fair |
As part of their ongoing efforts to engage the community, Marine Region's Support Bureau and Small Boat Division (SBDIV) participated in the "Maritime Fair cum Government Dockyard Open Day" held on October 30 at the Government Dockyard, Stonecutters Island. The Marine Department invited 31 organisations from the maritime sector to participate in the fair, including private maritime exhibitors, Government agencies and the Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps. Their exhibition booths and game stalls gave visitors the opportunity to know more about an important sector of Hong Kong's economy. Support Bureau and SBDIV manned two information booths to introduce the history of Marine Region, today's maritime policing concept and work of SBDIV. In addition, officers were on hand to introduce the weapons and operational equipment being used by Marine Region. An SBDIV Damen Cougartek High Speed Interceptor, a Fast Pursuit Craft and the Regional training launch, Police Launch 3, were also on display to give visitors a feel of the types of craft in service. To show the variety of operations conducted by Marine Region, a joint winching exercise was conducted at the Government Dockyard anchorage with a helicopter from the Government Flying Service, earning loud applauds by the spectators. The Maritime Fair provided an opportunity for over 4 500 visitors to get to know more about their Marine Police, and for the officers on duty to interact with the visitors and their families. Officiating
Marine Region's information booth
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