WCHDIST runs glass bottles recycling project with NGO |
In the view of Wan Chai District (WCHDIST), the wine bottles discarded in the streets where bars are located would affect the environment and might be used as a weapon in bar brawls. Therefore, the District, supported by the Wan Chai District Council, has teamed up with the Methodist Centre, a non-government organisation (NGO), to run a "Discarded Bottles Recycling Pilot Project". The project lasts for six months from November to April next year. Methodist Centre has employed several rehabilitated youths to work as recycle officers to help collect abandoned glass bottles in the vicinity of Lockhart Road, Luard Road, Jaffe Road and Fenwick Street from 2 to 4 am on Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. At the same time, glass bottle recycle boxes will be put up outside the convenient stores in bar areas. The project aims at preventing late night violent crime, improving community hygiene, raising public awareness of environmental protection, and providing job opportunities to rehabilitated youths. The pilot scheme was launched on November 10 by Wan Chai District Council Chairman, Mr Suen Kai-cheong; Chairman of the Council's Food and Environment Hygiene Committee, Doctor Siu Chi-hung; General Secretary of Methodist Centre, Mr Lo Kam-wah; Wan Chai District Officer, Ms Angela Luk, and WCHDIST Commander Au Chi-kwong. After the launching ceremony, the Councillors and officers of WCHDIST, together with the guests, handed out posters and leaflets to bar operators and customers to appeal for their support for building a hygienic, comfortable and harmonious community. (Left
to right) Dr Siu, Mr Lo, Mr Suen, Ms Luk, Mr Au, Mr Liu Chi-wai,
District Environment and Hygiene Superintendent (Wan Chai) and Ms Lee
Kwun-yee, Wan Chai District Council member at the launching ceremony
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