Police College appointments set to bring KM to new heights

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Knowledge Management (KM) has become increasingly important in the Force over the last 10 years and one of its key components is the KM Champion Scheme, which has helped to carry forward many KM initiatives since 2006.

Last month, three KM Champions - Chief Superintendents (CSP) Jacob Cheung and Alfred Wong and Superintendent (SP) Eric Cheng - had their third new term renewed while CSP Edwina Lau just made a start in her KM mission as a newly appointed KM Champion. Out of their passion and conviction in the importance of collaborating knowledge, they will continue assisting Police College in driving sharing of knowledge on different platforms.

According to SP Frederic Choi, Head of Police College's Research Centre, "Lessons Learnt under PEAK (Practice and Experience Acquisition Kiosk)", which was championed by CSP Cheung in the last four years, provides a purpose-built platform for Formations to archive and share operational knowledge and experience, while "Good Practices", also under PEAK and championed by CSP Wong, is another electronic repository that stores worthwhile job-related practices obtained from Force Inspection Reports. Both form an integral part of the Force's information-based KM system.

The Peer Adviser Scheme, championed by SP Cheng, has primarily tackled people-based KM. The scheme provides access to Force members possessing expert knowledge in different areas. There are currently 58 Peer Advisers for five domains covering 18 subjects, providing call-up services whenever any officer needs on-the-job advice.

In addition, the Knowledge Café became a new concept rolled out under the Peer Adviser Scheme in 2009, allowing officers from different Formations to informally share their knowledge face-to-face.

"After a successful trial, ‘Storytelling' became a new people-based KM initiative, which aims at capturing the valuable experience of Force members in a video-powered story form," said SP Choi. CSP Lau has taken up this new and meaningful assignment as Storytelling Champion, and already has a number of stories in the pipeline.

After receiving their Certificates of Appointment from the Police College Director Kevin Woods on December 13, the four KM Champions are now contemplating new plans to step up KM promotion across the Force with a view to elevating knowledge sharing to a new level of usefulness.

CSPs Jacob Cheung (second left) and Alfred Wong (second right) and SP Eric Cheng (left) will continue helping the promotion of KM within the Force, while CSP Edwina Lau will embark on her KM mission after receiving an appointment letter from Police College Director Kevin Woods

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