Officers share overseas training experiences

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At an experience-sharing session organised by Police College as part of its Management Development Programme at Police Headquarters on December 3, four officers talked about their experiences of overseas training to over 50 participants.

Amongst the four speakers, Chief Inspector (CIP) Chan Hoi-kong from Hung Hom Division and Senior Inspector (SIP) Swalikh Mohammed from Regional Intelligence Unit Hong Kong Island attended the Regional Executive Leadership Programme course at the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Co-operation in June last year. Both officers were presented with awards for coming up with the best course performances.

SIP Mohammed told the audience what he cherished most was having brushed up his organisational and leadership skills and fostered international networking for co-operation in fighting terrorism and transnational crime among the 32 representatives from 15 participating countries.

Superintendent Mak Chin-ho, currently seconded to the Security Bureau, spent a weeklong attachment to the South Wales Police Service, United Kingdom, after attending a three-week course at the National Policing Improvement Agency and Metropolitan Police Service. He talked about the success of the South Wales Police in integrating ethnic minority groups into their units to achieve social harmony while simultaneously maintaining operational effectiveness.

Lastly CIP Tse Chun-chung briefed the audience on Victoria Police Force's strategy to deal with drug abuse by youths. He also attended a three-week course at the Australia Institute of Police Management, Sydney, before his attachment to the Victoria Police Force.

The speakers' insightful presentations were well received by the audience.

Police College will organise another Management Development Programme seminar on "Social Responsibility" next month.

Speakers at the experience sharing session, (from right) CIP John Tse, CIP Harbour Chan, SP Terence Mak and SIP Swalikh Mohammed

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