PTU supports Operation Santa Claus

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The gloves came off at the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) on December 13 as officers battled to raise money for Operation Santa Claus 2010. As part of a territory-wide effort, PTU turned over its annual team building and feedback day to support Operation Santa Claus with officers competing in various competitions to raise funds.

This year's event was supported by PTU Headquarters, the Quick Reaction Force, PTU Yankee and Zulu Companies. Not to be outdone, officers from the Regional Companies including PTU Alpha (New Territories South), Charlie (New Territories North), Delta (Kowloon East) and Echo (Hong Kong Island) joined in the fun, with officers giving up their free time to support this worthy cause.

Events got under way immediately after Deputy PTU Commandant Steve Wordsworth welcomed the participants. The first event was the "Unimog Pull", in which teams, each comprising eight officers, competed in pulling a 10-tonne armoured vehicle across the PTU's drill square. Following this was the "Redman Rumble" with officers battling it out in groups of four wearing the protective Red Man suits.

Next it was a test of intelligence and teamwork with the "Field Crossing" as groups of officers sought to cross the PTU square without touching the ground using only old newspapers and tape.

Lastly, with the loudest cheers, was the "Commander's Birthday Cake", an event that saw several senior officers each consuming a large cake without the use of their hands. Putting his defeat in the "Redman Rumble" behind him, a slightly bruised Alan Crowther gave an outstanding performance, though his cake made a re-appearance shortly after he finished the event.

After a hectic morning of fun, the event concluded with a charity buffet. All in all, it was a very successful event with over $45 000 raised for Operation Santa Claus 2010.

Following the charity event held at PTU Headquarters, PTU D Company Kowloon East Region held its own Operation Santa Claus on December 29. Twenty-four off-duty officers joined the event, which consisted of a 12-hour "dawn till dusk" relay walk/jog along a hilly section of Shatin Pass Road.

Company Commander Alan Crowther got the event off to a flying start at 6 am, taking the first leg. As well as official runners, a number of officers joined in as extras to show their support, whilst others completed multiple legs. The officers of PTU D Company hope they would inspire others to pursue a healthy lifestyle and serve the community in other ways.

Senior Superintendent Wordsworth presents a cheque to Ms Lana Lam of Operation Santa Claus

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