Four OSH Cadre members complete Safety Auditor training

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The Force Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Cadre comprising 29 officers was established in December 2009 after promulgation of Headquarters Order 10 of 2009. The Cadre's main objective is to develop and provide a professional level of OSH expertise to the Force.

On March 30, Head of the Force OSH Cadre, Chief Superintendent Gavin Brown, presented OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Lead Auditor certificates to four senior Cadre members, Woman Superintendent Chui Po-chu and Superintendents Peter Donohue, John Cameron and Chow Chun-fung. He also praised the officers' determination in completing this extremely demanding high-level auditor-training course. The training is designed to provide practising auditors with an understanding of the underlying philosophy, principles and requirements of the OHSAS 18001, which is an internationally recognised framework for implementing a safety management system in major organisations. Moreover, it also enables participants to acquire the principles and techniques to conduct their own safety management system audits.

The senior Cadre members' completion of the training has provided the Force with a foundation stone to establish its own internal safety-auditing capability and greatly enhanced the Force Safety Management System.

"This is the most rewarding course I have ever taken in terms of enhancement of my understanding of the mechanism to support safety at the workplace," said Superintendent Donohue.

"Through attending this course, I not only grasped the essentials of an internationally recognised safety framework, but also acquired the relevant auditing skills. I'm confident this will ultimately benefit the Force's safety performance," said Superintendent Chow.

Mr Brown presents certificates to four senior members of the Force OSH Cadre upon their completion of an auditor-training course

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