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中文成語中有不少成語是和動物有關的,例如虎頭蛇 尾、指鹿為馬、狼狽為奸等。英文也有類似現象,如as blind as a bat、bird of a feather等。 下列句子中都有一個包含動物名稱的習用語,你能按照文意和弧號中的提示找出答案嗎? 1. Jimmy thinks he's the _________'s whiskers and never listens to others. (has a high opinion of himself) 2. He's got a real _________in his bonnet about buying a new car. (be obsessed by something) 3. I know they're getting married. I got it from the _________'s mouth. (got information from the original source) 4. When the theatre first opened it was widely regarded as a white _____________. (something that is expensive, but has no use) 5. I can tell him till the _________ come home not to be late, but he never listens. (for a very long time) 6. I'm going to take the _________by the horns and organize things for myself. (to bravely deal with a difficult problem) 7. It really gets his _________when she criticises him. (annoys him) 8. I felt like a _________out of water in my new school. (uncomfortable) 9. The ________'s share of this year's budget is for education. (the largest part of something) 10. Don't tell Mary any secrets for she is a _________in the grass. (someone who can't be trusted) 請在五月十三日前把答案連同姓名、職位、所屬單位、所屬單位主管(警司級別或行政主任)及參加者的聯絡電話,以派遞方式送交警政大樓三十四樓警察翻譯主任 事務課收,封面請註明「語文天地」。每期得獎名額八個,每名位得獎者可獲贈書券面值共港幣二百元。如答對全部題目者超過八名,則以抽籤方式選出得獎者。如 沒有參加者答對全部題目,則在答中最多題目的參加者中抽出得獎者。得獎者將於稍後時間由所屬單位頒發書券。查詢電話:2860-8476。 上期語文天地遊戲答案︰ 1. 旗鼓相當 2. 當機立斷 3. 斷章取義 4. 義無反顧 5. 顧盼自雄 6. 雄心壯志 7. 志同道合 8. 合巹交杯 9. 杯水車薪 10. 薪火相傳 11. 傳情達意 12. 意猶未盡 13. 盡善盡美 14. 美不勝收 15. 收回成命 經抽籤後,得獎者名單如下︰ 1. TF TW SGT 46890 CHAN King-man 2. JPC & YL PPRB WPC 6920 CHAN Wing-yee 3. A&F TRAFFIC CA CHAN Sau-mui 4. DTT KTDIST SPC 50208 吳德榮 5. PAL CRB CA CHAN Sze-yin 6. 刑事紀錄科二級工人 黃柏林 7. PLN 2 PTU B (KW) WPC 6212 CHAN Sze-man 8. RS T NTN SGT 20323 LEUNG Kim-man (由
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