Appreciation Corner

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District Commander,
Wan Chai Police Station.

Dear District Commander,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Sergeant 5349 and his colleagues for their assistance to my friend and houseguest in the morning of March 5, 2011.

Sergeant 5349 went above and beyond the call of duty in his care of my friend. In the process, he made a substantial contribution to Hong Kong's image as a great world city - a city with an exemplary police force that makes its citizens proud and visitors envious.

My friend was staying with me for the weekend. He drank too much and lost his way on the evening of March 4. Accidentally separated from his wife and unable to contact me, he was eventually brought to the attention of the police. Sergeant 5349 took pains to understand his predicament and sent him to my home to make sure he got to safety.

There are few cities I can think of in the developed world with a police force that possesses such a strong sense of civic duty and service orientation. This is a blessing for my friend as a tourist and myself as a citizen of Hong Kong.

Simon Cheng

(Editor's Note: The Sergeant praised in the letter is Andy Razack of Patrol Sub-unit 2, Wanchai District)

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