Officers commended for tackling rowdy gang

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Kowloon East Regional Commander Suen Kwai-leung recently called at Kowloon East Operational Base to present his compliments to Emergency Unit and Police Tactical Unit officers for dealing with a rowdy youth gang.

The gang members, apparently under the influence of alcohol, refused to show their identity cards upon being questioned by the police.

Presenting commendations to the officers, Mr Suen stressed that the Police would not tolerate any behaviour that would jeopardise public safety and order, adding that firm and decisive action was the most effective way to deal with the gang members in the case.

He told the officers: "Your prompt and firm action will send a clear message that such conduct is unacceptable and may result in the offenders being arrested and brought to court."

Mr Suen pointed out that the resolute approach officers took in similar cases had paid off.

One of the commended officers said he and his fellow officers appreciate the support by the Force management.

"Very often youth gangs are emboldened by alcohol and drugs and consider themselves above the law. We frequently meet with abuse and a lack of co-operation for our enquiries and investigations and inevitably this may lead to arrest action. I appreciate that our colleagues in divisional sub-units might face such threat and difficulty while patrolling alone or in pairs. So the quick support of EU and PTU is vital," the officer added.

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