FSU on identification of potential terrorists

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Attending the 4th China Symposium on Security Inspection and EOD Technology 2011 in Shenzhen from April 19 to 22, four members of the Force Search Unit (FSU), Key Points and Search Division Senior Inspector (SIP) Fang Fan, Police Search Advisor SIP Lai Kwok-wing and Search Cadre members, Woman Sergeant Ng Hiu-tung and Sergeant Kong Ting-kwok, gave a presentation on how to use behavioural observation technique (BOT) to identify potential terrorists at venues of major event.

The symposium attracted over 180 delegates from the military, police and technology companies all over the world, including those from the United Kingdom, Canada, Holland, Finland, Turkey, India, Singapore and Taiwan, as well as representatives of provinces on the Mainland.

At the symposium, SIP Fang gave a presentation on BOT and highlighted the fact that the targets of terrorist attacks had been shifted from the military or police personnel to the general public in order to inflict more causalities and damage. BOT is useful for detecting potential terrorists or high-risk individuals so as to enhance the overall security of a major event. He stressed that the combination of human interaction, i.e. application of BOT, and advanced detection technology would provide additional security for major events, adding that this might be applied in daily policing work.

Apart from BOT, the Force delegates also shared the experiences they gained from major events in the past.

SIP Fang pointed out that the symposium not only enhanced the communication among the delegates, but also raised their standards of search and security screening. For the FSU representatives, they had updated themselves on the terrorism situation and anti-terrorism equipment in use on the Mainland, he added.

The FSU delegates have met with representatives from the military, police and technology sector all over the world

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