Force PMP turns a new chapter

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The Recruitment Division of Human Resources Branch held an inauguration ceremony at Police Headquarters on April 30 to kick off the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) for 2011/12, which has entered the eighth year of operation.

Officiating at the ceremony were Acting Director of Personnel and Training Chau Kwok-leung; PMP Head Mentor, Chief Superintendent Chung Hung-fung; Deputy Head Mentor Chief Superintendent Ng Tsui Fung-ying; and representatives from 10 tertiary institutes.

This year, with the support from the 10 tertiary institutes, 132 students have been selected as mentees, and they will be guided by 53 Mentors and 11 Assistant Mentors.

In his opening speech, Mr Chau commended Mentors and the Assistant Mentors for their efforts for the PMP. "They devote their own time to the programme and lead the mentees to explore the police career and the jobs of police officers, reflecting not only their eagerness to make a contribution to their alma maters and the community, but also the Force's commitment to social responsibility," he noted.

Mr Chau also presented Certificates of Appointment and Letters of Appointment to the Mentors and Assistant Mentors.

After their selection, the new mentees attended a Welcome Gathering at Police College in early March and interviews at various police formations for job attachment in summer. After the official inauguration, they will visit police formations, take part in job attachment and a day camp in summer. They will also participate in the activities organised by their Mentors.

Encouraging the mentees to actively take part in PMP activities, Mr Chau told them: "I sincerely hope you would avail yourself the opportunity to learn from your Mentors and the Project Officers and gain valuable knowledge and experience in life, and would apply to join the Force upon your graduation as new blood for the Force."

So far, 69 mentees have joined the Force after their graduation.

The PMP was launched in 2004 with the participation of eight tertiary institutes. In 2009, it was extended to cover two more institutes - Hong Kong Shue Yan University and Open University of Hong Kong.

As the PMP owes its success to the support of the institutes, Mr Chau expressed his appreciation by presenting souvenirs to the university guests.

Finally, Mr Chau told the mentees: "Participation in the PMP is the first step to join the Force. You should take the opportunity to explore police work and understand your own strengths and weaknesses so as to lay a good foundation for meeting challenges you would face after joining the Force upon graduation."

The PMP has entered the eighth year of operation

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