MEDIV saves precious water

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Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) has presented an appreciation testimonial to Marine East Division (MEDIV) for taking measures to save precious water resources.

Last September, MEDIV's Green Management Committee arranged, through Water Supplies Department (WSD) and EMSD, for automatic light sensors to be retrofitted to all taps, urinals and water closets at MEDIV base. With such fittings, water is automatically turned on or off when required. The urinal sensor can save up to 90 percent and tap sensor 50 percent of water usage, and they are more hygienic as no tap turning by hand is necessary.

Mr Henry Ng, Building Services Senior Technician at EMSD, called at MEDIV base to present the testimonial to Divisional Commander John Cameron. "We are really pleased with this initiative. One can imagine the really significant water savings over time, especially if this type of initiative extends," said Mr Cameron.

Funding for the project was met by WSD as part of their overall water conservation strategy.

Mr Cameron receives the testimonial from EMSD Senior Technician, Mr Henry Ng

  • English version only

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