Come and have fun at PHM Carnival

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To further encourage Force members to maintain physical fitness and lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle, Personnel Services and Staff Relations Branch has mobilised various resources to organise the Physical Fitness and Health Management (PHM) Carnival, which will take place at Police Sports and Recreation Club on May 22 from 10 am to 5 pm. More than 40 games booths set up by police sports and arts clubs will provide a wide variety of fun to participants.

The event will also feature performances by Police Band, Police Dog Unit, Police Choir, Police Guitar Folk Song Club, Police Pop Music Club, Police Harmonica Club with Police Children's Choir, Police Chinese Culture Club (Chinese Orchestra Group), Police Chinese Wushu Club, Police Taekwondo Club, Police Karate-do Club and Police Magic Club. Information desks will provide tips on financial management and psychological well-being.

In an indoor sports hall, two competitions - Physical Fitness Challenge and Indoor Rowing - will be held to produce this year's "Superman" and "Superwoman". At the medical consultation and health check counters, specialists will provide checks on cholesterol, glucose, lung function, tonometer and osteoporosis, as well as consultation by Chinese medicine practitioners.

The PHM Carnival is open to all Force members and their families.

Free 'Easy Yoga' Play-in

In support of the theme of "Easy Sport, Easy Job", Catering, Clubs & Sports Group and Psychological Services Group of Personnel Services and Staff Relations Branch will jointly organise an "Easy Yoga" Play-in session on the soccer pitch of PSRC on May 21 from 8 am to 9 am, with the help of Mr Kenneth Wong, Chairman of the Hong Kong Classic Yoga Association and a veteran yoga teacher. The play-in session is free of charge and all Force members are welcome. For registration, call 2860-3415. Participants are required to bring along towel or yoga mat.

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