Appreciation Corner

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Dear Sir,

The police officers were professional, proactive and very considerate to the public. We would like to express our thanks to the officers for assisting in an incident involving my father-in-law (aged 81).

In an evening, my father-in-law was found hurt and we made a report to the Police and asked for help. Police officers SPC 21311 and PC 5288 arrived at the scene to investigate. They carried out investigation professionally. The officers acted impartially and provided valuable advice to both parties in the incident. SPC 21311 was very helpful and took great care during examination of my father-in-law's wounds in hospital.

After the incident, the officers also paid a follow up visit to my father-in-law on the evening of April 20, giving kind support and comfort to the aged. The team was very helpful in taking an affidavit from my father-in-law and bore with his difficulties in expressing himself.

Though the incident did not involve a major crime, our family appreciated the police officers' proactive way of carrying out their duties as well as their professionalism. Hong Kong citizens should be proud of the way the team took care of the public.

Please convey our gratitude and thanks to the police officers for their excellent services and kind support to the community.

J Kam

Editor's Note: The officers praised in the letter are PCs Wong Kai-ming and Tam Wai-chung, both of PSU 3 STDIV.

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