SRG runs training course for JPOA representatives

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Staff Relations Group (SRG) organised a two-day training course for District and Unit Representatives of the Junior Police Officers' Association (JPOA) on May 16 and 23. About 110 officers, representing about 75 per cent of JPOA representatives, attended the course.

The training course aimed at providing JPOA representatives with a better idea of the policing environment, their roles and responsibilities, the importance of internal communication, issues related to welfare and conditions of service, and the relevant policies and procedures. It is hoped that after the course, the representatives would be in a better position to handle enquiries or requests for assistance from their fellow members, and more effectively play the role of a communication link between management and staff.

The course covered a wide range of topics, and speakers from SRG, Welfare Services Group, Psychological Services Group, Human Resources Branch, and Conditions of Service and Discipline Branch, introduced their work, services, policies and procedures. Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch also gave a briefing on the importance of integrity management, changes and observations after the enactment of the Independent Police Complaints Committee Ordinance and the roles and responsibilities of Complaints Against Police Office in maintaining Force service quality. An ICAC officer also gave a talk on "Acceptance of Advantages".

In addition, Police Public Relations Branch hosted a special forum on "The Media and Public Relations Strategy", during which three special guests - Mr Albert Cheng, Chairman of Digital Broadcasting Co. HK Ltd, Mr Andy Ho, Information Coordinator of the Chief Executive's Office, and Mr Lau Sai-leung from Central Policy Unit - shared their views and experience.

Prof James Sung from City University of Hong Kong delivered a talk on the "Political Environment in Hong Kong", while Ms Maria Tam, Founder President of the JPOA, conducted a session on "China's 12th Five-Year Plan", giving the audience an insight into Mainland's future plans and developments, and their impact on Hong Kong's economy.

Good communication essential

Speaking at the conclusion of the training course, Acting Deputy Commissioner (Management) Ma Wai-luk thanked the JPOA, which represents over 20 000 junior police officers, for enhancing the communication between Force Management and frontline officers. He said the Force management and the staff side are working towards the common goal of striving for excellence in providing quality services to the community.

Talking about the rapidly changing socio-political environment in Hong Kong and the increasing expectations of members of the public, Mr Ma encouraged officers to enhance their professionalism by seeking lifelong learning and continuous improvement in their everyday jobs. He considered that in the face of challenges and pressure good internal communication would foster esprit de corps, thereby facilitating promotion of Force values and implementation of policing strategies.

Noting that the community support the Force, Mr Ma said frontline officers, especially junior officers, are playing an essential part in upholding the rule of law, adding that the Force requires their staunch support for serving the community. He pointed out that the success of the Force is a good reflection of the contributions of junior frontline officers.

Mr Ma went on to say that the Force, as a caring organisation, takes the staff side's concerns and views very seriously, one good example being the formation of a Force Study Team on Recruitment and Retention of Crime Officers at District Level to address the concerns and views raised by the staff. A number of recommendations aiming at addressing the problems being faced by the crime officers at District level were introduced recently. He hoped that both the staff side and Force members would continue acting rationally and moderately in expressing their views and pursuing their requests through the established channels.

Thanking the Force management for supporting the training course, Mr Wong Ching, Chairman of JPOA, said the course enabled JPOA Unit Representatives to learn and better understand Force values and policies, in particular matters concerning their roles and responsibilities related to welfare, conditions of service and the policing environment on the frontline. He is confident that the well-established communication and partnership between the Force management and the staff side would continue making headway.

The JPOA is thankful to PS&SR for providing useful training for its District and Unit Representatives

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