CRM KE earns RTHK compliments

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In fighting and preventing crime, Crime Kowloon East (CRM KE) also co-operates with the media, in addition to government departments and non-government organisations.

For example, back in 2007, Regional Crime Prevention Office Kowloon East (RCPO KE) first partnered with Radio Television Hong Kong in promoting crime prevention measures on radio programmes, particularly deception prevention. The result of this initiative later paid off.

At the 25th Anniversary Party for Channel 5 "Programme for the Elderly" on May 24, RTHK presented a certificate of appreciation to RCPO KE in recognition of its effort and support for disseminating to the public clear messages on crime prevention.

CRM KE will continue actively engaging the community in fighting crime.

Senior Inspector Ke Ka-keung (right), Assistant Regional Crime Prevention Officer of Kowloon East, receives a certificate of appreciation from RTHK

  • English version only

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