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Hong Kong Police Review 2010 published


The Hong Kong Police Review 2010 has been published, covering the work and achievements of the Force during the year under review.

In his foreword to the annual report, Commissioner Tsang Wai-hung said it highlighted some of the more notable events for the Force during the past year in addition to outlining other recent developments of significance. The review also shows "how we have worked successfully with the people of Hong Kong to keep our city safe and stable."

He added: "This Hong Kong Police Review begins with some memorable events from last year followed by examples of our partnerships with the community. It goes on to cover the operations and management of the Force. Many of the initiatives and activities reviewed testify to a modernised and professional police force that is committed to serving the community and striving for excellence.

"I am also acutely aware that the Force is not alone in its fight against crime. I wish to extend my appreciation to the law-abiding citizens of Hong Kong and to thank our fellow law enforcement agencies, operating locally, across the boundary and internationally, for the very important part they played in our achievements."

Mr Tsang continued: "Maintaining law and order, and preventing and detecting crime in a vibrant place like Hong Kong is a constant challenge and we will not be complacent. We will continue to enhance our professionalism by investing in our people, by working with the community, by collaborating with our partners, and by making the best use of technology. We will continue to improve on our performance through good management and effective supervision."

"The Hong Kong Police is not only a professional police service but also an aspiring learning organisation. You will see that our officers are trained to a very high standard and we are constantly looking at ways to improve the quality of our service. We continue to build and leverage on our wealth of policing knowledge and expertise through our award winning knowledge management systems. We are also enhancing our capacity to tackle future challenges in policing through long-term strategic planning," Mr Tsang noted.

Copies of the review will be distributed to Formations. Early in July, the report will be uploaded to POINT and Police website, and a CD-ROM will also be available.

Members of OffBeat Editorial Committee:
Mr LI Kin-fai CSP PPRB (Chairperson)
Mr TSE Yuk-lung TSRO KE
Mr Gareth HO TSRO KW
Mr Eric HO CIP CRM HQ (2)
Ms CHEUNG Pui-ling PA Manager
Mr KUK Wai-kei JPOA

Editor: Mark Tam: 2860-6171
Reporters: Michelle Mak: 2860-6172
Tony Au Yeung: 2860-6173
Photographers: Woody Wu: 2860-6174
Rex Ip: 2860-6175
Fax: 2200-4309
Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Deadline for next edition: July 4, 2011

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