PMP 2010/11 comes to successful conclusion

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Having immersed in a year's activities of the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) under the leadership and guidance of 52 police mentors, 133 mentees picked from 10 local tertiary institutes attended a closing ceremony at Police Officers' Club on June 22. Officiating at the occasion was Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Chau Kwok-leung.

The PMP 2010-11 owes its success to the devotion and dedicated guidance of mentors as well as the enthusiasm and active participation of all the mentees.

In the past year, the mentees took part in many activities organised by Recruitment Division, such as Summer Job Attachment, Summer Day Camp in Police College, visits to Marine Region, Operations Hong Kong Island Region and Police Tactical Unit passing-out parade, and Police Recruitment Seminar. Some mentees also lent a hand as volunteers at the Education and Careers Expo in February, PMP Inauguration Ceremony in April and Police Recruitment Seminar in May, gaining practical experience from the work.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Mr Chau pointed out that the number of applications from mentees is increasing. "Up to now, a total of 71 mentees have successfully become Police Inspectors. For the PMP 2010-11, 62 mentees have applied for Probationary Inspector post. I hope you would try your best to prepare for interviews and physical fitness test. Don't let down your mentors who have offered so much guidance to you," he told the mentees.

Quoting a Chinese military classics, Mr Chau noted: "Only if you can fully understand your capability and are well prepared you will know how good is your chance of winning, otherwise it will be a waste of time and energy."

Conclusion of the PMP 2010-11 may mark a milestone in life for the mentees. During the closing ceremony, they staged singing performances and a video presentation on the PMP activities they had taken part and on their gratitude to the mentors. In particular, they are thankful to the mentors for spending their spare time with them and helping them set goals in studies and careers and plan for the future.

Furthermore, as a result of the help and guidance of the mentors, the mentees have realised their strengths and weaknesses and are in a better position to equip themselves for facing challenges.

Mr Chau and other officers with mentees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong

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