Police College launches new e-Learning Programmes

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Police College has recently launched two psychological competency related e-Learning courseware. The first one is on "Conflict Management", while the other on "Emotional Regulation".

From those e-Learning packages, Force members may understand and learn some basic human skills that would enhance their interpersonal communication abilities. In the programme of "Conflict Management", the topics include self-awareness, basic communication skills, building a trusting relationship and handling difficult situations.

From the "Emotional Regulation" package, colleagues may learn some basic steps to cope with anger, depression and guilt. Besides, information on good emotional control and developing positive emotions and well-being are also provided. To raise colleagues' interest, a video clip has been added to each programme to make learning easier.

Interested colleagues may enter the Learning Portal in POINT and then click into "Psychological Competency Training Resource Bank" to try out the programmes.

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