GDBDB, Force reinforce partnership

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In maintaining the integrity of boundary security, the Force and the Guangdong Border Defence Bureau (GDBDB) work in partnership to combat cross-boundary illegal activities.

Having taken up the post of Political Commissar of GDBDB since December last year, Mr Cui Yazhou paid a visit to the Force from July 27 to 29 to reinforce communication and co-operation in safeguarding boundary security.

Apart from paying a courtesy call on Commissioner Tsang Wai-hung, Mr Cui also visited Operations Wing, Headquarters Command and Control Centre, Police College, Police Tactical Unit Headquarters, Marine Region and Border District.

Working in close partnership, the Force and GDBDB not only make concerted efforts to deter cross-boundary illegal immigration, smuggling and unlawful fishing activities, but also step up boundary security controls during major events held in Hong Kong and the Mainland.

Riding on a wave of successful joint efforts in the past in enhancing boundary security measures for major events, including the 6th World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conference in 2005, 2008 Olympic Games (Equestrian), 2009 East Asian Games and the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, both the Force and GDBDB are confident of coping with the challenges of facilitating the smooth running of the Universiade 2011 in Shenzhen this month.

Mr Cui pays a courtesy call on CP

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