KW Peer Support Group gears up for Integrity Management

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Kowloon West (KW) Region has thrashed out an "Integrated Approach to Integrity Management" to consolidate all related efforts within the Region.

The integrated approach comprises five key components, namely a yearlong thematic Training Day Programme; a Non-commissioned Officers Workshop on their roles in Integrity Management; governance and control measures on disciplinary enquiries at regional level; setting up of an Integrity Management Platform on the KW webpage, and establishment of a Peer Support Group to render counselling and support to officers in need of help.

The Peer Support Group has been set up in each District and Regional unit, led by Training and Staff Relations Officers or inspectorate officers. All members of the group, from Police Constable to Chief Inspector, were selected by their Formation Commanders.

The Peer Support Group will operate a telephone hotline to offer support, counselling and information on professionals and non-government organisations to officers. It has also recruited officers, who have shed the Officer of Unmanageable Debt label and those who have got back on their feet after disciplinary actions, to share their experiences with their colleagues. The group will also help with rehabilitation for officers in support of Force's Individual Reintegration Plan.

On July 27, a training workshop was held for 26 inspectorate and 56 Junior Police Officers who have been appointed Peer Support Group members. At the workshop, guest lecturers from ICAC, Force Psychological Services Group and Force Welfare Services Group gave various presentations to equip the officers for their forthcoming one-year tenure of services.

Upon completion of their training in rolling out the "Integrated Approach to Integrity Management" next month, KW Regional Commander Fan Sik-ming presented letters of appointment to the group members.

In a nutshell, the integrated approach aligns the efforts of Integrity Management at all levels in KW Region in a structured and comprehensive manner, including those on education, promotion of integrity culture, support and rehabilitation. 

Kowloon West Regional Commander Fan Sik-ming officiates at the Inauguration Ceremony for the Peer Support Group

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