JPS HKI alerts juveniles to Internet traps

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The Juvenile Protection Section (JPS) supervises juveniles covered by the Police Superintendent's Discretion Scheme. With the regular visits and guidance by JPS, these youngsters are steered back to a straight path and to become law-abiding citizens. They are also encouraged to go back to school or take up employment.

JPS Hong Kong Island organised a seminar at Crime Hong Kong Island Regional Headquarters on July 22 at the beginning of the summer school holidays. At the seminar, a representative from a strategic partner, Methodist Centre, introduced the services of the "Project Phoenix - Community Support Service Scheme". At the same time, Narcotics Bureau Senior Inspector Lo Chi-kan spoke on the theme of the seminar, "Drug-Related Crimes and Their Harm". Drug samples were displayed to give 60 juveniles under police supervision and their parents a better idea of the pernicious effects of abusing drugs.

Apart from focusing on "the harm of dangerous drugs", JPS HKI makes a great deal of effort to alert young people to Internet traps and to remind them to protect themselves from being sexually abused.

Furthermore, Hong Kong Island Regional Crime Prevention Office (HKI RCPO) promoted the messages of combatting drugs and alerted youngsters to sexual abuse, at the Ani-Com & Games Expo 2011 held annually at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. At the opening of this event on July 29, "Kingson", the mascot of Police Magazine, alongside RCPO officers and members of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps (F Squadron), distributed leaflets and souvenirs to the visitors to deliver the messages of "Not now, Not ever, Stand Firm Knock Drugs Out" and "Don't Trust People in the Cyber World; Be Vigilant When Meeting New Friends", earning a big support and public relations mileage.

Narcotics Bureau Senior Inspector Lo Chi-kan giving a talk on the harm of taking drugs

  • English version only

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