Students learn more about local legal system

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After successfully completing an exercise in "Arresting of the Culprits" in March under Tai Po District's (TPDIST) "Drug Fighting Elite Scheme", TPDIST Junior Police Call (JPC) members have taken part in a Legal System Workshop and two sessions of a trial in a mock court, furthering their understanding of the criminal justice system and the consequences of breaking the law.

The workshop was held at Fanling Magistracy, with senior barristers from the local chapter of the Rotary Club International introducing the Hong Kong legal system and the key court procedures. Participating students were divided into four teams to act as prosecution and defence in two mock court cases under the guidance of a barrister.

The two cases were related to "Possession of and Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs" and "Theft at Playground". The facts of the cases were based on the scenarios developed in the "Arresting of Culprits" exercise conducted in March. To give a greater sense of reality, the two mock court trials were conducted at Fanling Magistracy and the Mock Court at Police Headquarters, with Barrister, Mr Andrew Kan, donning the magistrate's robe.

In the case of "Possession of and Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs", a student from Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School played the role of Chief Prosecutor. The "prosecution witness" from the same school painted a very credible picture during examination-in-chief and remained unfretted by the defence during cross-examination.

In the case of "Theft at Playground", the "prosecutor" from T.W.S.Y. Li Ka Shing Secondary School grilled the "suspects" with quick wit and logic, leaving them no room for argument, whilst the defence made a valiant effort to highlight the loopholes in the prosecution witnesses' statements and to raise reasonable doubts.

Finally the "suspects" in both cases were convicted and the "Best Prosecutor" title went to Wong Yiu-ching of T.W.S.Y. Li Ka Shing Secondary School, whilst Yip Ho-lim of Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School captured the title of "Best Defence".

Benefits to students

Presenting certificates of attendance to the students after the second mock court trial, TPDIST Commander Paul Stripp commented: "‛The Drug Fighting Elite Scheme' has very effectively conveyed anti-drug and anti-crime messages to students, and has enhanced their understanding of the Hong Kong legal system and the roles of the police. With the support of school and Rotarian volunteers, this activity has been completed successfully and I am sure the students would agree the activity is a big benefit to them."

The "magistrate", Mr Kan, also has praises for the students. "Although they had little time to prepare their cases because their final school examinations have just concluded, they had put in a good effort and some of them have shown potential to become real prosecutors and police officers," he noted. 

Tai Po District Commander Paul Stripp presents certificates of participation to JPC members

  • English version only

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