HKI JPC alerts youngsters to cyber sex traps

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The Junior Police Call (JPC) of four districts on Hong Kong Island (HKI) have jointly organised a Wallpaper and Folder Design Competition in a bid to alert young people of the sex traps in the cyber world. To strike a chord with youngsters, competition entrants are advised to add the element of "trendy language" in their entries.

Response to the four-month "Staying Away from Cyber Sex Traps" competition was encouraging, with a total of 110 entries received by the four districts. The standard of the entries fully demonstrated the participants' creativity and flair in art.

A prize presentation ceremony was held in the Auditorium at Police Headquarters on July 9 after an adjudication panel comprising Hong Kong Island District Commander, Dr Cheuk Chun-yin, and four JPC Honourable Chairmen selected the winners.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Cheuk thanked the JPC Honourable Chairmen for supporting the competition and commended Police Community Relations Office officers for making the competition successful.

The winning entries of the Wallpaper category have been uploaded onto the JPC website for downloading by schools or young people, while those of the Folder category have been made as handouts to students of the schools affiliated to Hong Kong Island JPC.

Posters and banners produced with the prize-winning designs are on display at shopping arcades and cyber cafes. 

Hong Kong Island Regional Commander, Dr Cheuk Chun-yin (left), is impressed with the standard of the winning entries

  • English version only

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