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Aquafitness includes any exercise performed in water. This form of exercise provides fitness, fun and safety for people of all ages and abilities. Exercising in water can improve muscle strength, endurance, flexibility and balance.

Benefits of exercising in water

1. Water acts as a shock absorber, reducing stress on joints. The buoyancy property of water also help support the body, often making a person feel easier to do the exercise and avoid injury.

2. Water provides resistance to motion through resistive drag. The intensity of the exercise can be easily controlled by varying the degree of resistance.

3. The massaging effect of water increases blood circulation and promotes relaxation.

4. Water allows a full range of movement without excessive strain. It also helps the joint move through a range of motion, thereby promoting flexibility.

5. Water acts as a coolant to prevent overheating, allowing the duration of exercising to be extended.

6. Participating in an Aquafitness programme will help non-swimmers gain water confidence. Many exercises can be done alone or in groups and this type of activity promotes socialising and the fun of the programme.

Aqua Aerobics

The Catering, Clubs & Sports Group (CCSG) will organise an "Aqua Aerobics" Play-in session in the swimming pool of Police Sports and Recreation Club on August 20 from 5.15 pm to 6 pm with the help of an aerobics coach. The session is free of charge and all Force members are welcome. Send applications to CCSG immediately.

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