OffBeat updates mailing list

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OffBeat is trying to update its mailing list. Existing OffBeat subscribers are requested to send their particulars to us as soon as possible, no matter they have been changed or not. Please fill in the form below and send it to us by post, fax or email by November 30, 2011. The personal data provided is used for updating the mailing list only. Providing the data is voluntary, but if you do not provide sufficient information, you may not be able to receive a mailed copy of OffBeat from January 2012.

Name: ______________________________________________

UI No: ______________________________________________

Contact Phone Number: ________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

Subscription Reference No: _____________________________

Address: OffBeat Section, Police Public Relations Branch,
10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No. 1, Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

Fax No.: (852) 2200-4309


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