Staff associations visit OHC |
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With the arrangement made by Personnel Wing, representatives of the staff associations of the Force visited the Occupational Health Centre (OHC) at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH) on October 6, during which they were briefed by the officer-in-charge of the Centre, Hong Kong East Cluster, Dr Marcus Wong, and his team on the operation and services of the centre. The purpose of the visit was for the representatives to gain a better insight into the medical services provided by the OHC at PYNEH, which is one of the two OHCs set up to provide dedicated medical services to government employees injured on duty or suffering from occupational diseases. The other OHC is at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), located on third floor, Ambulatory Care Centre, commenced operation on June 20 while the OHC at PYNEH, located at Specialist Out-patient Block, will tentatively commence operation in November this year. Police officers who have been injured on duty or are suffering from occupational diseases but who have not yet started their follow-up treatment at any facilities of the Hospital Authority (HA) (excluding acute treatment provided by the Accident and Emergency Department (A&ED) of HA hospitals) are eligible for receiving follow-up treatment at the two OHCs. The OHCs operate between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday and are closed on weekends and public holidays. Booking with the OHC at QEH can be made on telephone 2958-5760 or fax 2958-5790 while booking the OHC at PYNEH can be made on telephone 2595-7172 or fax 2505-8305, after commencement of operation. The two OHCs also provide some time slots each day for government employees who walk in to seek immediate treatment. Immediate treatments at the OHCs are limited to initial medical consultation, physical examination, bandaging, blood testing and simple wound management. Police officers who are injured on duty should first attend the A&ED of a hospital. They should consider seeking immediate treatment at the OHC only after their injuries have been triaged and confirmed to be minor, and have confirmed with the OHCs that daily time slots for immediate treatment are available. The Force in-house guidelines concerning use of the OHC service can be found from the web page of the Leave and Health Management Division, Personnel Wing, on POINT. |
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